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St. Luke's is working with Give Plus, a service of Vanco, to make "e-giving" possible. Click the "Give Plus" icon to the left to set up your Vanco payments. Contributions can be one-time only or recurring. You can make payments through a credit/debit card, checking or savings account.


All things come of thee, O Lord, and of thine own have we given thee. 1 Chronicles 29:14


As Christians we know that we are called to be good stewards of the gifts with which God has blessed us, and to use our time, talent and treasure to the glory of God.  Good stewards nurture their gifts and hope to make them grow.  Through our stewardship program, you can support the mission and ministry of St. Luke's in its community and beyond.

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Annual Giving


Give to the Most High as He has given to you, and as generously as you can afford. For the Lord is the one who repays, and He will repay you sevenfold.     Sirach 35:10


Every year members and friends of St. Luke's encourage one another to make a financial pledge to support the mission and ministry God has entrusted to us. We do this with faith that God will take our gifts and multiply them beyond what we can ever imagine or hope for. We recognize that the biblical tithe (10% of income) is the touchstone for giving in thanks for all God has done for us. We rejoice that we are able to return to God a portion of the gifts God has given each of us, including our time, our talent and our treasure.


During our "pledge season" our members share their experiences at St. Luke's and we hear from representatives of those groups that St. Luke's supports, such as our AA groups, Trenton Psychiatric Hospital, and Mustard Seed Academy, to name a few. Pledge season begins with the Feast of St. Luke (October 18) and continues into Advent.


If you would like to know more about pledging to support St. Luke's or you would like a pledge card, please email our office administrators

Planned Giving and the Living Stones Society

In life we plan for many things: saving for college, buying a first home, saving for our retirement, planning for our family's future.  A “planned gift” is a charitable contribution made from the resources you have stewarded during your life—your estate. Planned gifts ensure that St. Luke’s will have the resources needed to continue its mission and ministry for many years to come.  A planned gift is a way to “endow” your annual pledge.  Planned giving does not have to be complicated – and it is not reserved for the wealthy.


Those who have made St. Luke's a part of their estate plan are members of our Living Stones Society.  If you are interested in making a planned gift to St. Luke’s or you have already included the church in your estate plan, and you wish to be a member of the Living Stones Society, please contact Mother Megan or a member of the Stewardship Committee.


You also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a  holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.   1 Peter 2:5

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Other Forms of Support

Amazon Smile

Support the mission and ministry of St. Luke's when you shop on Amazon by choosing Amazon Smile. 

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